
Breathing Easy: Sleep Tech at CES 20025

Be the reason someone smiles today

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Imagine a world where your pillow adjusts to stop your snoring, a smartwatch tracks your sleep cycles, and a robot mows your lawn. Two weeks ago, I stepped into that future at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, where over 140,000 people gathered to witness cutting-edge innovations from more than 4,500 exhibitors.

Artificial intelligence (AI) was the undeniable star of CES this year, integrated into everything from kitchen gadgets and exercise equipment to robots, driverless cars, home security systems, and even John Deere tractors. It felt like AI was no longer just futuristic—it’s becoming part of everyday life.

Using AI to help your indoor garden produce.
A special device that played those round plastic thingies.
A smart John Deere tractor.

Robotics and Perseverence

Watching robots in action was one of my favorite parts of CES. From mowing lawns and cleaning pools to serving meals and engaging with customers, these machines made it clear that the future isn’t coming—it’s already here. Adapting to this new reality will be essential for all of us.

One exhibitor showcased four-legged robots navigating a simulated work area. They resembled small dogs in size but were pure machines. I was especially captivated by one robot tasked with climbing a staircase. It had to dodge other robots, navigate around people, and master the stairs—all without human intervention.

The poor thing reminded me of … me.

It tried and failed. Tried again and failed again. It looked like it got frustrated as it seemed to pound the ground in anger. Believe me, I’ve been there. Then it tried a third time and failed yet again. Then it tried once more and finally succeeded.

It seemed to enjoy its success and began the process all over again.

Sleep and Tech

With friends and family members who struggle with sleep, I was especially curious about the innovations addressing these issues. I was amazed by the sheer number of companies developing solutions to help improve sleep quality.

Do you have sleep apnea?

Several companies showcased devices designed to test for sleep apnea. Traditionally, this process requires spending a night in a medical facility, hooked up to wires, with medical staff monitoring you—a procedure that’s often time-consuming, uncomfortable, and expensive.

Two companies offered alternatives to this traditional approach. One featured wireless pads with sensors that attach to your body, while the other required only a smartphone strapped to your chest. In both cases, the data is sent to the cloud, where it can be reviewed by your doctor.

And both companies claimed they were in the process of getting approval from medical agencies.

Monitoring Your Sleep

Dozens of companies had devices that would monitor your activities throughout the day, including your sleep. Many of those devices were smart watches.

Some of the devices just recorded the data, making it available to the user or their doctor. Some devices also made recommendations for things you should do to improve your health.

Pillows and Beds

I was really fascinated by companies that had products to improve your sleep that didn’t seem like medical products at all. The first one I saw, “AI Motion Pillow”, had a listening device that would detect when you were making sounds that indicated a sleeping problem, such as snoring, then would immediately adjust your head position so your airway would be clear.

A couple of companies had beds that seemed to have a similar philosophy. The bed and pillow would adjust to make your breathing easier.

All of the adjustments were made while you were sleeping.

Brain Waves and Sleep?

One particularly intriguing demonstration involved tracking brain waves during sleep. A wearable device recorded these waves, which were then uploaded to a service that transformed the data into a personalized 'custom sleep soundscape.'

From then on, you would listen to that recording 30 minutes before sleeping.

Their clinical studies showed that patients who needed over an hour to fall asleep, fell asleep 40% faster. Patients slept 5% longer and experienced a 10% increase in R.E.M. sleep.

What excites me most about these advancements is their potential to transform lives. As AI and sleep technology continue to evolve, they promise to offer meaningful solutions for those grappling with sleep challenges

I’ve included some links below to websites for a couple of the products I’ve mentioned.


WisMedical and Georgia Tech

Created a product called Tedream, a wireless, wearable sleep monitor that consists of three patches (chest, forehead, and forearm) that you can comfortably wear during the night.

Illustrations from WisMedical brochure.

The device keeps daily and multiple night data on your sleep statistics and stores it in the cloud. It produces reports that can be used by an individual or physicians. WisMedical claims it is much better than traditional sleep monitoring solutions.

AI Motion Pillow by 10minds

I was fascinated by this product. It won an Innovation Award at this year’s CES.

The picture below shows the device ready to use. See that little blue rounded thing on the bedstand? It’s a listening device. It’s trained by listening to the sounds you make while sleeping.

Then notice the pillow. It has an orange strip across the top of it. When the listening device recognizes a sound coming from you that indicates you might be having a breathing problem — perhaps you’re snoring — the pillow adjusts your head until there is a clear airway.

All that happens while you’re sleeping.

It was very impressive.

myWaves Your Personalized Sleep Solution

This is the company that produces a “custom sleep soundscape” based on your brainwaves while sleeping.

Before I go, I’d like to share a blessing with you from the Old Testament.

“May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you; may he be gracious to you, show you his favor, and give you his peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26 (The Living Bible)

Until next time … be the reason someone smiles today