
You Can Lead a Man to Congress

Words Worth Thinking About

As the dust settles from the recent elections, it’s worth reflecting on an observation often attributed to Milton Berle:

“You can lead a man to Congress, but you can’t make him think.”
Milton Berle

While this quip might seem unfair to our elected officials, it’s hard not to recall moments that make you wonder—like the time a congressman expressed concern that an island might tip over if the military stationed too many resources there.

In fairness to the Congressman, when critics pointed out that islands are mountain peaks rising from the ocean floor—not flat, floating thingies—he later claimed he was just joking. Whether or not that’s true, the incident highlights the colorful moments that often accompany public office.

NOTE: Although Berle is widely credited with this quote, some attribute it to other sources. Regardless of its origins, the humor and insight resonate across generations.

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